Every Picture Tells .....


Good Morning


I was out running on the moor at the crack of dawn. Even though it was significantly colder than yesterday I was much more comfortable running hatless and in shorts. The pond on the moor had frozen over and had a dusting of snow. I ran home in a blizzard.

A frustrating day working from home as the tablet PC would not recognise the USB C charger so the battery eventually drained and the device died. As a stop gap I could log into Office 365, Skype and MS Teams on my MacBook and after an hour or so, our IT department arranged a replacement charger. 

I drove into Huddersfield this afternoon to collect it.The roads were busy around the IT building as it is close to the John Smith's Stadium which is being used as a mass vaccination centre. As well as cars, there were double-decker shuttle buses running between the stadium and the town centre.

Due to the IT problems of the last couple of days I am well behind with my work this week. I worked late this evening to try and catch up.

As can be seen in the blip, I messed around at the moorland pond at 8:00 am this morning. I also challenged a dog walker for not cleaning up after his charge.

The pond on a different day    (strange that this link shows different photos depending on whether you use the App or the web browser)

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