Lake Waikaremoana from Lou's Lookout
My day began with a happy birthday phone call from dad and the calls and messages from friends and family continued through the morning which was lovely. Funny how time changes how we approach our birthdays - in the past I would have been keen to have friends round/go out to dinner/have a party or BBQ but now I'm more than happy now to spend it fully immersed in what I love doing.....being out in the van exploring, enjoying being connected to nature and of course, indulging in a little photography. Simple pleasures, for which I am extremely grateful that I am fortunate enough to still be able to do.
So, after filling everything that needed filling, emptying everything that needed emptying and stocking up on a few grocery items I hit the road to Waikaremoana around lunch time. I'd been lead to believe that the road from Wairoa to the lake was sealed all the way and it was only gravelly and challenging around the lake and out the other side. Wrong! There were quite a few kms of gravel to negotiate before the lake.......practice for the real challenge when I head out! And who knows when that will be?
Arrived at the DoC campground after a short walk up to Lou's lookout and already I'm in awe of the place. Looking forward to a bit more exploring over the next day or two....or three....?? For now though, the temperature is decidedly more chilly than I've been used to this past couple of weeks, the heater is on and I can hear a light rain falling on the roof (at least all the gravel dust will be washed of the van!). I wonder what tomorrow will bring? I'll find out after what I'm sure will be a very good sleep.
Extra is on the drive up to the lake whilst there was still a tar-sealed road. I liked the 'layering' of bush, lake, (very dry!) grass, road and bush
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