Getting out

I took the puppy out this morning, normally the husband has the morning shift, but he's been working long hours and needed a bit of a break.  I think I won, I was treated to a beautiful sunrise (followed by a lot of snow - I came back covered in it!) 

The days are a bit up and down at the moment, but that said, the youngest did really well in his lessons and was lucky to have one on one lessons for phonics and maths.  Maths was all about measuring length - which he learnt by comparing his tractors.  

It was the park for the afternoon dose of fresh-air, the boys ended up rolling down a steep slope many, many times over and generally burning off a whole lot of energy which did the world of good. 

Annoyance of the day:  Spending an hour working on some copy last night and sending it on, to have it forwarded by a senior manager to a business partner as 'their work'.  Credit where it is due and all that... 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Heating - after speaking to a friend who lives in Scotland and her oil delivery hasn't arrived (a week over-due), she has no heating or hot water (single parent, home schooling and holding down a job - she's doing well!) 
Time taken by the school to give a small workshop late afternoon to talk about how children learn - so interesting 
Bed time, because they need it! 

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