A celebration of a life well lived

Today we said goodbye to Sue.

A day so heartbreakingly difficult but so beautifully celebratory. Sue, of course, would have hated all the fuss. But she would have been so immensely proud of her son. It was truly a celebration of a life lived well, a life which radiated love for others and a life utterly transformed by Jesus. My friends Fi and Phil took the service and I don't think Liam could have asked for better, more faith filled people. In the midst of grief, there was joy.

In true covid style, numbers at the church were limited and so the funeral procession drove to the church via the school where Sue worked. People lined the streets, wearing pink and purple - as requested - and it was so wonderful that different people were able to come out to celebrate - and grieve. At the school a wreath was presented by the Head Teacher, who also led a tribute at the church. 

Farewell, Sue x

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