Snowstorm at Sunset

A mostly calm, bright but very chilly day until it got close to the time of our Grocery Delivery then a mini blizzard arrived. 

The clues were in the changes in the  colours in the sky which developed very slowly and then eventually the way the views out all the windows looked more like Mars than our Winter. Then it snowed quite heavly but not for long.

Ocado made it through the driver only spoke of frustration of people not answering his calls ( not us) when he was trying to deliver early rather He had to sit and wait 45 minutes for the appointed time and then found the people were in the house. The snow not a problem other than in our slippy unsalted road.

We walked around the park in bright sunshine at lunchtime with a good bird count and Buzzard and Sparrowhawk seen overhead. 3 Jays in the garden early were unusal visitors - Extra photo was snapped through the kitchen window ( so not great) but worth it for the record.

A very loud Tawny Owl was soon calling when the snow stopped.

Still slowy catching up with Line of Duty Series 2 it's got me hooked .

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