O Canada.....
I went down to the Valley to see if I could get a better shot of the Cascades. They were out a bit more earlier, but I didn't have my camera so had to go home after the gym. The mountains had wrapped themselves in the clouds once again by the time I got down there. BUT, I did see these Canadian geese ( is Canada missing some of their geese??) flying back and forth and I was captivated! I took quite a few shots of these guys and will put a wider one in the extras.
Thanks to Bobsblips for hosting Wide Wednesday and Skeena hosting the Mono Month Challenge. I will also enter these for Wild Wednesday and thanks to Callieach for the wonderful job she does each week! Thanks for stopping by and thanks so much for the hearts and stars of late!!!
thanks to each person who participated in the Mono Monday Challenge of things related to Valentines Day! So many great, cool, funny and heart warming shots! The winners are as follows... 1st page to the 5th.
bababarbara Unique Love
Howu Romance
JustJane Who says Romance is dead?
Maureen6002 Through sun, wind and rain...
beedey Holding hands
Paola Back gate
Anneli The KISS
Hanulli Romance
davidc Romance
carol_dunham Post Haste
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