Chicken in a Basket

My Dear Princess, Loulou and Fellows,

The brother-in-law, Mr. Feefs, is staying with us for a couple of days (he has business in the neighbourhood). 

To show his gratitude for being allowed to sleep with cats, he took us out to The Fisherman's Table. The exciting thing about this is that he used to go there as a wee nipper. It's one of those family restaurants we have all been to at one time or another. 

The really exciting thing is that it doesn't appear to have changed at all. There are faded pictures of birds on the wall, a brass ship's wheel and fake portholes with pictures inside them, a salad boat which is in an actual rowboat. And 1970's muzak playing softly in the background. 

It was good fun, and because I am me, I had the chicken. Sadly, it was not in a basket, but you can't have everything.

And look at these views from out on their balcony! It was a lovely evening and a beautiful sunset. 

Caro and me joked that maybe we should start going there regularly at 5pm on a Tuesday for the "early bird special".

At least I think she was joking...


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