My first trip into town since November due to lockdown (Hubs does a weekly shop at most). The dentist says my furthest back molar has a leaking large filling and needs replacing and that it will be tricky to get to - brilliant :-0
Nenagh Main Street looks sorry for itself with lots of closed shops and closed down shops, sad to see. Silver lining was parking was a breeze.
The horse box wheel had its puncture repaired and the lads were doing a mighty amount to business with cars backing onto the road to get in to the repair shop.
The bank are going to look into the ATM transaction that has deducted my withdrawal twice - have no idea how that will go but hoping that the books will balance somewhere and they will restore my  600 euro that has disappeared . I had a  massive sense of being an extremely small cog in the face a powerful computerised institution.
Ran out of time to ride but had the riding club online quiz in the evening, a fine excuse to have a G& T and hang out with the gals. I won a pair of home made socks - think there was mention of cashmere , v nice and v welcome as snow forecast for next few days. 

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