Thursday: Flower Square

Now, do you know what has become my absolute nemesis?  I shall tell you - working lunches!  They drive me mad - today, for example, I was out of the office for about three and a half hours for a lunch where I would have got equal benefit from a coffee lasting an hour.  Seriously, they really aren't all they are cracked up to be - and I have had three this week.  That's nearly a whole working day lost, while my inbox is busy stacking up.

There, I've said it.  Anyway, on to more pleasant subjects - to get to lunch today I had to cut through Flower Square - one of the main squares in town.  I really can't figure out whyit is called that - any ideas?

I am afraid that I am rubbish at commenting at the moment - and am likely to be for another week at least - but I do appreciate you all dropping by.  You do make my day!


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