Misty Beck
It was another cold, crisp start to the day - so I took myself out early again so I could go through the woods. The ground was really solid today - and extra layer of iciness applied overnight!
It was so cold that there was mist rising from the beck. Here I caught it drifting through a shaft of sunlight. Shame we can’t post videos as the real beauty was watching it swirl gently about - I hope I captured a flavour of it in a still.
A few days ago I mentioned a farmer who was trying to drain his fields in the hope of harvesting his sugar beet. Well today there were some machines on the higher part of the field lifting some of the crop (see extra). I spoke to the farmer again and he said that the cold weather has started to damage the beet (which grow partly above ground) and the sugar refinery would not accept all of his crop…as it would affect the quality of the final product. So he reckoned he would only be able to take about a third of his crop to them - I think he was relieved to at least get something back for his efforts. The rest of the crop would have to be ploughed back in.
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