
It’s the little things.....

A letter in the post addressed to Papagran!
( A uses this moniker for both of us. )Lovely artwork from J and A inside.

A man on a wee tractor gritting an adjacent street we use to access the wood........ until we realised he had gritted the gutter all the way along , leaving hard packed ice on the pavement. Grrr!

A wee snooze after lunch as the sun shone in the window.

Two walks down the wood which is still looking picturesque.

Making some snow art for E , E , J and A ....a lovely big heart to let them know we love them! We sent them a photo of it.

Two lovely bunches of narcissi left on the doorstep and sunshine all day.

FaceTime with all the wee ones would finish the day off nicely.

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