
I had a long session cutting up the shorter sections of hazel and burning up the brash. My electric chainsaw is still kaput- something to do with a sensor.

The shop leant me their saw and with that and my petrol saw I have I logged up a lot of the hazel wood. No point in stacking it as the boar will toss it around like matchwood if I leave it in situ. I’ll shift it within the fenced land: warmth for winter 21/22.

A better day but still sodden under foot. Snow forecast tomorrow as wind moves into the ENE. Then down to -6c and an icy blast for a few days.

The tooth’s calmed down but still a good bump on my jaw.

Looks like Tuscany is going back up into Level Orange Covid restrictions. Who’d have guessed. Much concern about variants which seem to have snuck across the border from Umbria.

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