Go West

'Go west young man!' he ordered and when my robin didn't concede because he was hungry a fight broke out. Again and again. Fiesty little birds the blackcaps - both of them and the blue tits were getting a lot of stick too. Even in the perching shrub he flew in, indignant that a bird was going to get near his stash. No sharing here. I blame the parents ;) 

Cold - oh yes it was -2° and no wonder he was worried but looking at the feeder he really needn't have been. 

My foxes on the other hand have shown another side to themselves over the last days. I've put out loads of food to keep them going and they take what they can eat and go. A far cry from killing every bird in a chicken house. Not, that at any point, I was pinching Hubs chickens and using them as bait. 


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