River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Tropical Paradise? ...

... the bright blue sky and the “palm” tree gives that impression B U T ... the temperature just about reached 4°C, very pleasant in the sunshine but decidedly chilly in the shade! Got even colder as night set in and the wind picked up.
MrD had a very busy day of deliveries - he made time to come home for lunch, homemade lentil & veggie soup :-)
After lunch whilst watching “No 1 Ladies Detective” I went out and had an hour or so of gardening. Cleared leaves dropped from the Cordyline, pulled out long strands of dead grass also cut up dried flower stalks, throwing them on the garden so the birds can use them for nesting material.
*** Happy Chinese New Year & Happy Weekend ***
Stay safe & healthy and happy everyone and warm and cosy :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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