Return to the North

By Viking

Winter wonderland

Woke up to a gorgeous sunrise this morning (the backdrop for this double exposure). It has been perishing cold but I needed to get out for some fresh air. The aim was to drive to the local country park before nipping for a couple of food items. I drove out the top road of the village only to find a dozen cars in various stages of road disarray! Now we really haven’t had that much snow but we are very exposed so overnight the winds have made the lying snow drift, both across the road and at the sides! So a van and a car had tried to pass each other but had ended up stuck in the drifts. Some had got stuck on the road itself too. Needless to say I did a 90 point turn and drove out the village the other way!
The second shot is of snow/ice which I have swirled and used in a layer over the sunrise.

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