
By Nettenet

Happy Bunny

.. That’s me!

I was delighted to receive these two late this afternoon from lovely blipper Heartfreek. I just love everything she makes and placed an order for our new grandchild due in May and I can’t wait to gift them. Now, I attempted to copy HF and do some lovely shots of Nelly and Matty but it just wasn’t cutting the grain. So I plonked them on my armchair to have a cuddle instead. It’s the little extras they have too that are just delightful. Thank you HF I just love them.

In other news, Mr C received a text yesterday inviting him for his COVID injection today. We are not quite sure why but don’t look a gift horse in the mouth as they say and he got back in time to watch the rugby.

The study is more or less cleared for our week of decorating. Hope to make a bit of a start tomorrow.

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