The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM


A long night, an early rise.

Still quite a hard frost after a slight thaw yesterday and the wind chill was Baltic. 

We tried to revisit yesterday's  walk, but poor Star started to complain. We are so concerned  about keeping her walking  on snow instead of the salt grit on the pavements, but unfortunately she started getting the toe snowballs again.  Holding up each back paw in turn to have them cleaned off. We turned around and went home. It was then a three soup marathon. Caldo Verde, Roasted Butternut squash and coconut and Russian vegetable courtesy of the Covent garden cook book. This weeks lunches, as I will be otherwise  engaged.

 Worse news about Mum again, so I will be visiting tomorrow and for the next week daily as Big W is back at work from Monday. It's a long drawn out decline  and after dementia, her body is now failing. It's  like losing her twice. 

My heart is slowly breaking


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