
By Livingandloving

Dry Grass

Yes.....I have nothing for a title. My creativity is out the window. :)

It was a good far as Monday's go, I suppose. Work was work....School was School. I helped with knitting class again. The kids are really humming along now, and one little guy finished his ball, and let me tell you.....his face just BEAMED!

The Sugar stayed after school to help me clean the desks. She loves stuff like least she does when it is her idea. :) Then I dropped her at her after care, and went back to work.

TAP class was fun, I hear. I'm so glad she is enjoying it. She doesn't really like all the noise. She is an only....she really isn't used to a lot of noise, and a room full of little kids in TAP can bet it is a bit noisy. :)

I nabbed this shot at work....right in front of where I park my truck each day. I was happy for the pretty light.

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