Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

A Kind of Cabbage Tortilla

Wanted to use up the cabbage today so made this for the second time. It's basically 200 g chopped up cabbage, one chopped onion, three beaten eggs, 80 gr of flour (added last), mixed together and fried in a little oil for 20', lid on, medium heat. Slide it out/turn it out onto a plate, turn it over and cook the other side for 15'. Top with grated cheese optional. Easy peasy and delicious. We tend to just leave it on the work surface and have a slice for weekday lunches, little snacks. It never lasts long! 

Tied up loose ends of our course, emailed our assessor or suggested final grades, got these approved - always good to hear.

Has anyone tried out the app Clubhouse yet? I got an invite yesterday, so decided to give it a go and last night was invited to take part in 'a room' by a teacher turned coach - really just to try it out in a closed group. Strange experience! Only audio, no text or visuals.  It's still only in the beta stage so watch this space. I'm interested to know what people think. I sat in on a tutorial for newbies today and that helped me understand it a bit better. 

Decided to have some Japanese for dinner, inspired by a friend who said that she and her husband now have a sushi Saturday with cava.  Good to give Chin the business as we haven't for about a year.  Bb blipped Chin. Japanese restaurant, Chinese run and good as ever. Grateful to live where we live with Spanish, Catalán, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Peruvian, Turkish and Lebanese - ish all on our doorstep. This list is without even thinking about it and all within 5 mins walk except the Indian, which is 15. 

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