Sheepish Contraptioneer

By PaulCCB

Foofie Cat House

This last Monday, we took our remaining two redneck kitties to the neutering clinic, and they've been recovering in our guest bathroom since coming home.

Since we want to keep them around and safe for as long as possible and we both detest the concept of a permanent indoor cat box, we thought it would be best for me to build them their own proper outdoor house.

We had some leftover carpet for the inside, and I fitted some white tarp material to protect the outside from the weather. I've made a support for it to be installed above the little feeding shed I built for their predecessors.

Annie suggested we bring it into the house to familiarize them with it before it becomes their primary residence and I heartily agreed, especially since I had a fear of their lack of appreciation for my efforts.

Well, I was certainly wrong in my insecurities! The little doorway into a darkened carpeted nest was very inviting to them indeed, and I'm confident that they will accept it as their little private haven once they become outdoor cats again.

Now, why is it the Foofie Cat House? Well, in a moment of frizzyheadedness, I named the first cat Foofie, and with an amazing level of creativity, I then called the second kitten Foofietwo. Now, all that could have been changed (the cats haven't learned to spell yet, and care little what we call them), but Annie passed the names to the neuter clinic where they were recorded for antiquity.

They'll get used to their names as much as cats do, and since we plan on home-schooling them they won't be tormented in junior high school. Can you imagine what a furry-faced girl named Foofie would have to put up with in public school?


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