
By Arachne

I've been trawling through my old blips to try to choose pictures for the kind friend who wants to display some when her bookshop reopens after lockdown. At the same time I've been selecting some I might print for myself. That's a much easier process - although have little idea what others might like I do know what I like. I'm interested that as I make notes, the two words coming up most often are: 'reprocess' and 'crop'.

When I got to this rather beautiful piece of brickwork from the East Oxford Community Centre I decided to go out and do a retake. The city council has been wanting to redevelop the site for about five years and there is nothing in their drawings to show whether they will retain this magnificent but redundant chimney.

Right now I am in April 2014. There is no pandemic; the cafes, theatres, cinemas, galleries and streets are open and we blithely shake hands or rub shoulders without a second thought. I should have brought myself up to date by sometime on Tuesday but half hope I won't.

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