
By AnaOfHere


We finally had a bit of sun today. The freezing temperatures of the last couple of nights froze the soil in our planters, so the plants weren't too happy. But the sun warmed them up. At the end of the day the wind picked up which is good because we've been in a fine particle pollution peak since Friday.

Today I finally finished this book in my blip. I got the first edition, not the revised more recen one (couldn't find it second hand). It took me a long time to read because I don't particularly enjoy economy related topics. But it is very well written and very clear, explaining each concept. It seems to be a must read of the climate crisis literature, that's why I decided I had to read it.
This was written after the 2008 crisis and the beginning of the book reflects on that crisis and the lessons that should be learned and how it could be used to change things. It was interesting reading it during the pandemic and the related crisis, seeing how exactly the same types of discourses pushing for change appeared in 2020. It shows that the "opportunity for change" of 2008 was not taken since people have to push for exactly the same things in 2020.
To distract myself from that depressing conclusion I'll read a dystopian novel next.

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