
By photoLyle


Well, it is St Davids Day! (And the beginning of Spring :-) )

It's good to see that posting blips is actually teaching me things. I had no idea why leeks were associated with St David, but have this morning found out that:

'Leeks were Saint David's personal symbol. The leek arises from an occasion when a troop of Welsh were able to distinguish each other from a troop of English enemy dressed in similar fashion by wearing leeks. The association between leeks and daffodils (another Welsh symbol) is strengthened by the fact that they have similar names in Welsh, Cenhinen (leek) and Cenhinen Pedr (daffodil, literally "Peter's leek").'

A bit education for a Friday morning!

If I have time, these ones will be getting turned into leek and cauliflower soup this afternoon.

Updated: Think I will give my first monthly challenge a shot. Just by chance, today's blip matches the first challenge!

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