
By soozsnapz

Be Kind

I went to our local retail park - one of the ugliest places on the planet - to get some bird food. I was struck by this notice outside the (closed for many months) bowling alley. I certainly agree with the message. But I think it was put there because some customers had not been kind to the staff, and the company felt they had to put a reminder.
You see signs such as ‘verbal abuse of our staff will not be tolerated’ almost everywhere now where customer service is provided - often by fairly low-paid staff: shops, buses, banks, doctor’s reception.
I simply cannot understand it. Firstly there is no point in being angry with people who are not in a position of power, and are not responsible for the rules or delays which are making you angry; and secondly why be rude and aggressive at all? My parents - born 1915 and 1922 - wouldn’t have dreamed of being rude or unpleasant to anyone - especially not someone providing them with a service.
I totally agree with the motto ’be kind’ but I think we also need ‘have empathy’ - think about that person serving you and what it’s like to be them.
We should all work in service jobs at some point in our lives to understand what it’s like.

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