West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Spring Song Bird Sings

Spring has officially sprung its the 1st of March I cannot believe I am typing that date already!!

I went out to try and catch the Herons or the Kites this morning but a short way into my walk I stopped to listen to the spring chorus, I had waited weeks for a Robin shot that I liked then I get two in a couple of days. I always intended to keep shots different trying not to use the same subjects, but i was so astounded to have got this little chap in full song I felt compelled to share it. I never use the continuous shooting feature, for no other reason than I get lots of nothing usually so it was a single frame lucky shot!

This time of year with the dawn chorus always reminds me of one of my favourite books, Birdsong by Sebastian Faulks, set against the ravages of war the title always brings thoughts of spring to my mind... if you have not read this book i urge you to do so it is a true modern classic and most beautifully written, I for my part have read it many times and is one of the few books I return to

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