
By Groggster

Weighing Up Going For A Run

I was a bit unsure about going for a run this morning due to the icy conditions (especially after my sister's nasty fall on Friday). I had noticed that the second thaw of the last few days had started and the pavements and roads were much more clear of snow and ice so decided to go or it. My brother agreed to come with me.
However, about half a mile from starting off I misjudged a curb (not due to snow or ice) and went a*se over t*t straight into the road (at least there was no traffic - one of the very few benefits of lockdown!). Luckily there was no face plant this time - unlike when I fell down a rabbit hole a few months ago. My brother has taken to calling this "doing a horizontal Dave". For some reason we both started calling each other Dave ages ago (although that is neither of our real names) but we can no longer remember why!  
I dusted myself down and continued the run (about 2 miles) but my right ankle was throbbing by the time I got home. I put a large bag of frozen broad beans on my ankle once indoors but I was hobbling a bit for the rest of the day. 

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