Here we go again – Day 42

Today has been a lazing around type of day. Literally, all we have done today, is go on two walks and watch TV.  Ann found something on Netflix called 'Hotel Cecil' so she binge watched the whole four episodes this morning. Then it was time for lunch and then it was time for an hour of 'Classic EastEnders'. #whatanexcitinglifesheleads

This afternoon I set off to go to the canal for my walk. Overnight all our lovely snow had melted so the thought of walking me on wet, muddy, grass was not very appealing. We have a canal route that we walk that takes about one and a half hours and Ann thought she'd be able to keep me relatively clean. The only trouble is, I have to stay on my lead along the canal path, but I've had loads of run about time during the last week, so that was OK.

….............But do you know what happened?...................... It was like a summer's day in Edinburgh and Ann had too many clothes on so she got really hot. She said, 'Trixie, I don't actually feel that great. This heat is making me too hot for comfortable walking.' Soooooo, she cut my walk short and we only walked for 45 mins.

I'm such an adaptable little collie that I didn't mind. I knew we were having a 'lazing about day' so when we got home I just went straight back into my bed. #howperfectamI …...........And now the TV is back on and we're watching 'four in a bed'.


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