Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

A woodpecker

Edited... this is a downy woodpecker and not a hairy as I first thought.

Jerry spotted movement on the oak tree from his chair and said I needed to look.  When the bird finally moved out into view I thought it was a downy ( it is!) but then when I got a photo through the window and ran it in the Seek app, it said it was a hairy woodpecker.    The male has a red dot on its head but the female does not so I think this is a female.    A color version is  in the extras.   A new bird visiting the yard if I got the id correct!

I tried to high key this for the mono Monday prompt but did not want to lose the markings so it is not too high key.    Birds are my friends!!!

Jerry also did some work on the hangers for the bird feeders.  The squirrels have decided they can hang upside down from the rafters and crawl over to the feeders on the deck overhang.   We had already stopped this at one place but they are coming all the way from the far side.  Yesterday those little stinkers sat on the window ledge looking in the house like I was supposed to give them food.    The dog put short work to that since as soon as they get close to the window now she hears them.  

Another day of cold gloomy weather but not too much rain..mostly misty stuff.   I did manage a walk down the road and back with Gypsy.  She was happy to get out without getting wet!    Tomorrow the sun is supposed to make an appearance.    Warmer weather also!     

Have a good week blippers!  

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