Had A Good Time

I’ve enjoyed another birthday today: despite lockdown, Tess and the kids have managed to make it special with thoughtful presents (some jumpers, books and wine) and lots of good food (smoked salmon and scrambled eggs for breakfast, a Thai takeaway this evening. 

Chris called in at lunchtime  for a chat and Sophie made me this card which made me laugh. The “pants” reference is to  our family holiday last October when we went swimming at the on-site pool: because of COVID you had to go to the pool with your costume under your normal clothes and change back into your clothes afterwards; on one occasion I forgot to take my pants with me and had to go commando. Sophie thought this was a hilarious sign of my increasing senility and always enjoys telling all and sundry (teachers, friends, their parents about it -I’m getting used to the odd looks they give me when I first meet them!) She couldn’t resist reminding me of it now I’m another year older. 

Even funnier, she couldn’t remember the term commando and talks about Granddad “going Fernando”!

Anyway, I’ve been trying to follow Paul Simon’s advice


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