Hijacked Christmas present

We were intending to go to my mum's for Christmas (covid put paid to that) and our daughter had given us some presents to take. Among them were some bulbs and containers which couldn't really be left too long as they were beginning to sprout so I planted them. This hyacinth has flowered very quickly (2 weeks) but the daffs aren't doing very much yet - will they hold out until we can go to visit? When we do get to go I'll buy some suitable plants as substitutes.
It's pretty but I prefer them outside as they make my throat tickle.
Spent the morning starting to turn an old inner tent into bags, they're very lightweight and good for sorting packing - if people get to go away again! I'll get quite a few out of the material, 4 made already.
This afternoon I had a 10k run which left me a couple of hundred meters short of stage 4 of my virtual ultra, if I'd known it would be so close I'd have run round the block.

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