a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

As with the other blips on this trip, photos are being compressed as much as possible - I'm not sure how bad the quality of this photo is, but it's nearly 1.20 am, I'm looking at a small screen and I'm dead on my feet. So I am not convinced I particularly care one way or another - purists might want to look away though!

I really needed a human in shot in order to convey a proper sense of scale. Just trust me - it's big. I'm up near a gantry crane which is part-way along the length of the building - if I turn around there is lots more of this view behind me!

Surprisingly lonely feeling today - and at times slightly creepy, truffling about by myself in cavernous spaces with tape measure, torch, mask (for asbestos) and whatnot.

And today's earworm was driving me crazy, as there were no distractions to make my brain skip a track onto the next song. Even more annoying because I have always hated this song - except this one version. I don't know what triggered it, but it's incongruous in this context, particularly when I suddenly realise I'm singing it aloud and the noise (for such it is) echoes back hollowly.

No one threatened to feed me to the alsatians today.* I am interpreting this as A Good Thing.

* It's just as well I love big dogs! I can imagine it would be a dire threat indeed to someone who was frightened of any dog bigger than a handbag.

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