Camera Shy

By Wildstar

Friends Today.

Not really.  Poor squirrel has been thrown around again but I managed to get a shot of them together at a time of truce.  
Missed the boat in terms of going out for a walk and some fresh air but.....electricity is back on...and the generator gone!  Hooray!  It wasn't really that noisy for me but once it was turned off the silence and return of normal sounds was very noticeable especially for my downstair neighbours.  Must be a relief - 24/7 for 18 days it was chugging away.  The changover back to normal power through the new cable installed under the road took a little longer than anticipated and we all had to be here so that checks could be made to each of our flats.  So we were without power just long enough for it to begin to feel a bit chill indoors and of course no power meant there wasn't much to be done that did not require electricity.  A bit of a wasted day all in all and just as power was restored it rained!  Now there is a clearing sky as dusk approaches.  I will go out tomorrow.
Ginny has got cabin fever I think as she begins to feel the effect of being cooped up with no real chance of exercise.  Can't wait for her to have her final vaccination and be able to run off some of that growing energy.  It will be nice to see her just in dog mode enjoying all that the big outdoors has to offer instead of venting her frustration by killing her toys over and over.  She's probably not going to be a ball returning obsessive - 2 or 3 throws and she's done with that - that's for labradors and spaniels thank you very much,  not a scent hound with a serious job to do.

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