The reliable light
The light at the end of the tunnel, they say... is a train... or, is being turned off to save energy... ah well.
Both of us now having had the first vaccine injection, Janet's just been told despite this she has to remain shielding for at least another six weeks. Inevitably that includes me, oh joy... Presumably there is continued uncertainty about the efficacy of some or all of the vaccines to immuno-compromised folk.
The reliable light is not tunnel bound, but is above us, relatively speaking. The Sun and the Moon are immune to the vagaries of covid and shine down on all. She's a bit of an emergency blip, to be truthful - it's been a lazy day binge-watching old sci-fi - but she's gorgeous nonetheless. Worth going Large for.
Let's hope someone clever sorts something out. Motorcycling season approaches. Thanks for your appreciation yesterday. ;-)
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