Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Valentine Treasure

PD gave me this necklace many years ago for Valentine's Day and I love it!  I haven't worn much jewelry this past year since I am mostly at home but I wore this on Sunday.  It was still on my dressing table this morning so I didn't have to look any further for something I treasure.  The tiny stones are rubies, sapphires and jade.  Many thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting Tiny Tuesdays this month!

Becky will pick me up in about 3 hours to take me to my Covid vaccine appointment.  I think she's as excited as I am that I'm getting it.  She has a place picked out that she wants the four of us to go for her birthday weekend in May.  It's a dog friendly rental house in the mountains so all the pups can come with us.  The vaccine will make that a wish that can be fulfilled!  They may even have gotten theirs by then. :-)

On the subject of the vaccine, PD didn't feel very well after his second one yesterday.  I didn't think his sleepiness in the afternoon was related to it but, by about 6PM, he said he felt like he had the flu.  He had a headache, generalized aching and fatigue.  He wasn't interested in dinner, he just wanted to go to bed - for 13 hours!  I am grateful that he seems to have slept it off and feels fine today except for a big tender lump on his arm.

I really appreciate everyone who looks in and for the stars and hearts on my blips, thank you all very much!

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