An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Happy 30th Birthday Andrew!

I can't believe it's my nephew Andrew's 30th birthday today.  

It seems like two minutes since we got the news in the middle of the night that Eleanor was in labour (David's mum's eye witness account of Ele on all fours in the living room while Kenny was upstairs blowdrying his hair and his response of midwife said labour takes ages with the first being his response to Mum L's suggestion they get a move on and get to hospital!)

When they did set off, the locks on the car doors had frozen and nothing would budge them, not even hot water poured over them!  

By now poor Eleanor was doing her almighty best to resist the urge to push.  In desperation Kenny took a flying leap ninja style (oh how I wish I had seen that!) and kicked the passenger door lock.  It worked!  Door open, he threw the baby bag into the back seat, crawled into the driver's seat,  Mum L helped Ele into the car, and they were off.

They had a very traumatic journey to the hospital via very snowy and icy back roads (he automatically took the fastest route to the hospital) eventually getting there and into the delivery suite with literally seconds to spare!  Ele hobbled from the wheelchair to the bed, two pushes and he was here!  It's the first and only time Andrew's been in a hurry to do anything.  He's as laid back as his Uncle D!

As I reminisce I can't' believe that it was 30 years ago. In the blink of an eye he is 30 and a dad himself.  And what a gift we have in his little girl Esme.

Of course Covid restrictions mean this is another family celebration that's had to be put on hold.  But we will make up for it.  I can't wait!  :-))

Happy Birthday only favourite nephew!  :-)))

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