Just the Withers......

By JaneW

We’ve got a proper GENDER REVEAL...

So yes we actually now know what Ambers sex is ... so the paperwork says male ... I said female as I really wasn’t sure they got it right .. Amber has very very dense fur and you just can’t get a good look at the ‘bits’ .. also Amber is NOT COMPLIANT.. I can’t stress this point enough ( hear.my.tone) ... anyway as with all cats protection foster cats ( our branch is Mid Warwickshire) before they can be rehomed they have a full and very expensive vet check including all blood work and if needed dental treatment.. this is why £80 adoption fee is such a bargain . Just the basics cones to over £100 ... you would be AMAZED at the complaints we get that we charge a fee .
ANYWAY ANYWAY... Amber is indeed a female cat with attitude. The vet said ‘ ohh Jane you are not wrong , she IS spirited isn’t she ‘ how we all laughed - nervously.
My grandson is a cat whisperer. Amber does not like her back touched so he just brushed her around the head and neck and she was great .. she went away when she had enough . Charlie came out for treats ... poor Charlie cat needs quite a few teeth out so that’s being done on Friday .
Other than my trip to the vets I’ve just dog walked and vacuumed ... not particularly exciting ... and not at the same time either ....

Ohh and yes .. Jake has got his hair dyed pink to match mine xxx

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