My day got overtaken today by the need to act as taxi for the children.
Before Ben was even out of bed he was complaining about his big toe, the one he tried to gouge the toenail out of last night, he's not very tolerant about being at less than 100% fitness, so for the sake of peace and quiet I promised to text him at school as soon as I had a doctor's appointment for him.
The health care system in Germany is a thing of beauty, as long as you know your way around it/know people in the know. I rang a specialist foot/leg doc recommended by a friend and was offered an appointment on Monday, this would be no use I knew, a whole weekend of Ben whining and grumbling about his foot, so I asked if it was possible to get an appointment there and then, and it was.
90 minutes later Ben was back home, minus half a toe nail, foot elevated, happily watching House. I have told him that in the U.K. he'd have waited maybe a week to see a GP and then goodness knows how long on a waiting list. Yes, the NHS is better than nothing but the German system goes one better.
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