A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Joe Tree day

Another nice day, a bit more breeze but still nice enough to be in the garden in just a cardigan and gillet.

After breakfast I tidied the front garden and then went on to do the lower half of the back garden. Amazing how many leaves have squirrelled themselves into corners though I did a big rake up in the autumn.

I was looking for bright colour for wide Wednesday. There isn’t a lot at this time of year but the yellow Hamamelis 
(Witch Hazel ) is still doing well and the new replacement  (planted last year) red one is in flower alongside it now so I thought that fit the bill for colour and for Joe Tree day too!

Great that we can remember Joe Tree and his legacy here at Blip that we all continue to enjoy and love.  What a great idea he had and I hope he is doing well somewhere in his current endeavours.

As you can probably see I haven’t got around to tidying the upper half of the back garden yet but Chris has cut back and shredded the Buddlieas and trimmed some branches off the Oak tree which is growing like mad from it’s little acorn.
If this weather continues I might get up there too with more than my camera.

Ash Wednesday today too!

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