Every picture tells a...

By Eptas

So near...

...but yet so far!

Looking longingly at loads of tennis balls on the other side of the fence.

Join Bruce

Apologies as I'm going to be hitting the Blipbuffers for the next week and a bit and won't be able to do any commenting or replying. We are off out early this evening and I have a busy and full day tomorrow watching the Sky Blues thrashing (hopefully) Swindon. On Sunday we're off for a week of skiing (& après skiing) in Samoëns, France. I shall be looking and uploading my blips but I need to focus as much time as possible on practising my skiing (& après skiing) techniques and so my bliptime will be very limited. Normal service will be resumed a week on Monday.

I hope that you have a splendid weekend plus a great week followed by another fabulous weekend.


Part of Bruce's One Small Hairy Dog Series

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