Just for today

By frans


We promised our eldest daughter P. to pick her up this night. She went out (I don't know if that's proper English?) with some friends. As far as I remember they started at the Miller, than had a few stops in between in search of a place were it was cheap to hang their coats away, and they ended at the Bolle.

I went to bed early (23.00) so I could have a 3 hours sleep before picking up P.

Anyway, I slept fine, as I always do, and -what's more important- P. had a wonderful time in the city.

I was a few minutes early to pick her up at the Mac and so I had time to take a very early blip!

The rest of this day (good friday) I will be a soldier in the KIWO mass, this time a soldier who plays the guitar too, and this evening our friends from Tilburg N. come and visit us.

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