The return of the Kingfisher

There is little that can match the fleeting sight of a kingfisher to lift the mood. My first sighting this morning  since the autumn, and at last year’s nesting spot. I had set out with the intention to otter watch, I was happily distracted by the kingfisher – and then Islay dog appeared out of nowhere sniffing around my feet. The blip is me endeavouring to blip the kingfisher taken without my knowledge by #1 son and L. I joined them  for a SD circuit around Pollok Park, with no chance at all of seeing an otter.  Technically we were breaking  COVID mitigation measures, (2 people only if two households are involved)in practice mainly because of Islay,  we were not really walking as a group of 3.  I would not have pre planned this, but in a naturally occurring situation it felt OK, and it was for long. Plus it was windy so hopefully any noxious aerosol droplets were dispersed with despatch. The extra blip is Islay falling through the ice on  the sometimes pond that appears after heavy rain. It was about 7cm deep, it didn’t seem to faze her.
The other thing that lifted my mood today was embarking on the past tense in Gaelic.
So in respect of the kingfisher, and the day in general, I can now say, rhetorically, – nach robh sin sgoinneil/wasn’t that brilliant?  

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