
By Grammy

Thou Art Dust

“Ash Wednesday, in the Christian church, (is) the first day of Lent... Ash Wednesday is a solemn reminder of human mortality and the need for reconciliation with God and marks the beginning of the penitential Lenten season. It is commonly observed with ashes and fasting.” - Britannica
Hoping there would not be a huge crowd and because we’ve gotten our first COVID vaccine, we attended live Mass today. Father explained that rather than receiving an ash cross on our forehead as is the U.S. tradition, he and the Deacon would simply sprinkle ashes above our head. We had ample distance between congregants so hopefully we can get to the other Wednesday Masses during Lent. I got very little sleep last night, so after our grilled cheese sandwich lunch, I took a nap while hubby picked up our meds refills. Hoping our winter storm predicted for tomorrow brings more snow than ice to make travel safer for those who must be out in it. Thanks for your visits. Stay safe folks.

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