Big eyes

I think TJ and I might have the same blip today! We met up for lunch and first headed down to the quay in Schull.It was bitingly cold but there were two seals circling a moored fishing boat, waiting for the left overs. I love this one's rather coy expression and huge eyes. In fact it was heaving with wildlife- herons, gulls, seals - all knowing exactly what was going to happen next. We then warmed up in Hacketts Pub in front of a roaring fire, did a bit of eating and a lot of chat. The proofs for the cards from the new printer's have arrived and they look great - phew! As do the new postcards so we're now ready for action. A visit to the hairdresser followed and for once I won't bore you with a grumble - it looks okay!

Cold, grey but dry and lawn mowers are going like mad. Franco has been strimming our little hill - a tough job as the gorse was encroaching, and we should have done it twice last year but didn't do it at all. Franco is originally from Italy, married to an Englishwoman, and they first arrived in Ireland as wwoofers (world wide opportunites on organic farms - you work for your bed and board) - in fact they wwoofed for TJ. Like loads of other before them, they spent a few weeks here, fell in love with the place, sold their house and moved over!

Happy St David's Day to all Welsh blippers.

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