Little project

I managed a decent walk today and no adverse weather conditions to negotiate! I felt this justified some time in the sewing room, no all sat down. I have been wanting to try printing off pdf sewing patterns which are much cheaper, and sometimes free like this one. I started small with a pattern I can use for my three granddaughters. It worked out fine but I'm not convinced that I would be so happy piecing together many more sheets of paper for an adult size pattern. I may just be extravagant and buy actual proper paper patterns. They are quite expensive these days so I need to make the right choices first time!
Mum was happy to be told she should be able to go home tomorrow, after her feet have been scanned today and the results passed to the physio who will also be talking to her. They seem to believe it's a circulation problem and hopefully the scans will give a definitive explanation. We will see. We are considering one of those foot massages she can sit in the chair and use. There seems to be much divided opinion as to how helpful they are. Maybe the physio will make some suggestions.
Tomorrow will be another day of phone calls if mum is discharged to arrange her care to restart, some shopping for food and various other things which hopefully I won't miss!
Never a dull moment in this house!

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