
By LyndyH

Our egg source

This is where our eggs come from.

Mr H left work early today and on his way home went to our vets to pick up our Little Man's ashes. It was something I just couldn't do.

I cannot find the words to explain how I felt when Mr H placed the casket in my lap.

But what connection is there with these chickens and Harris you may be wondering?! Well, there is none!

After the tears, I just needed to get out and so we walked the fields behind our local farm where we buy our eggs. It was nice to see these chickens and thank them for the wonderful eggs we enjoy. It's how all chickens ought be kept don't you think?

But returning to Harris's ashes; I feel the need to hold on to them for a while. But not for long. Our Little Man was such an independent, strong willed and spirited little dog, that I want him to be free.

Will will scatter his ashes whilst walking what we know is his favourite walk. For the moment though, he is here with us at home.

Happy Weekend.

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