Lemons Yesterday; Oranges Today

These are the few left from the tree I pruned after Mike has made pints of juice from the damaged ones (on the robust juicer Dave and Leyna got us years ago, thanks both). Would have posed like Julio Romero Torres' painting, but not allowed on Blip, sorry!

Off to an extra meal at C&E's for Cecílio's birthday tonight. We'll drink wine tonight, but then giving it up for Lent (except for Sundays, of course), it's so common here, I rather miss it being a special thing. We're also both going to read a chapter daily of a book I've read before, but will be good to reread, and talk about it with Mike - Jesus Journey, by Trent Sheppard - "Shattering the Stained Glass Superhero and Discovering the Humanity of GOD".

- my Uncle's 92nd birthday today
- the sick headache I had all morning eventually going, without pills
- eating lunch outside in the sunshine

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