
By Upoffmebum

Bud + 1/2 Flower

Small variation today on the recent Buds vs. Flowers theme.
It's an in-focus frangipani bud in front, and an out-of-focus and half-opened flower behind.
Part of my reasoning here is that there are so many images of fully-open frangipani flowers available - even for the recalcitrant plant tragics amongst us - that they're in danger of becoming a cliche. 
Formally known as the Plumeria rubra, but much more commonly known as the plain ol' frangipani, it's native to Central America, Mexico and Venezuela, and really goes gang-busters in the warmer and less frosty parts of Australia. 
Its lush fragrant flowers come in a wide range of colours, from white with a yellow centre, various shades of apricot, right through to splendid pinks and reds. 
For such exotic and delicious looking flowers - and those thick, fleshy branches are hardly bog-standard either - they've become a stalwart of so many domestic gardens over so many regions over so many years that they're now regarded in some quarters as a traditional, old-fashioned type of plant. Old-school flowers, highly regarded in their day, but now overshadowed by newer, flashier and more exuberant Johnny-come-latelies.
So this is a nod to the frangipani's glory days, when the group display of their full-bloom flowers still dazzled and intrigued us; and when, as now, the buds and half-open flowers played to smaller but perhaps more appreciative audiences.

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