Out out

Today was a furlough day and I had another list. Top of the list was a 30 day yoga challenge which my brother has been raving about. He’s now on his third cycle and must be very bendy by now? I got on the floor and failed the first task - I couldn’t cross my legs while sitting down..... it did get slightly better as the session continued but was left thinking I should probably have started earlier? Like about 40 years earlier!

After a shower and change I headed out to The Range - whoever thought that would be a treat but they sell all sorts and are the only shop ( apart from food) open. I wanted some frames for a present which I have made for a colleague expecting a baby soon. Not the best frames but they will have to do.

I got back and my husband was supposed to be out ...... but he wasn’t and the hour of solitude I was looking forward to, didn’t happen!! We were contemplating a walk but my painful ankle was still painful and I didn’t want to make it worse with a long muddy walk. However instead, we decided to have a trip out, out out, in the car! We drove to Tunbridge Wells and walked along the pantiles , unfortunately nothing open ( no surprise!) but it was a pleasant hour. Hopefully when all this madness is over we can have another visit involving lunch, coffee and a browse around the shops.

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