
By dunkyc


In the words of Baldrick as he hands his completed novel to Blackadder here is “my magnificent octopus”

I blipped a couple of weeks ago about the good feeling of completing something, and that same feeling has returned. I wanted to tell a story of mental health progression through a small series of shorts, so I wrote I something funny (hopefully), sad, dark, shocking, but most importantly to me: based in truth. 

Having coerced Samm, we recorded it (and as anyone who has seen the outtakes ended up in much needed tears of laughter) and then I shot, composed, edited and produced the rest with a couple of guest stars in the final episode. It’s had a few hundred views across the various episodes on various platforms, which given that they all feature a grown man talking to a teddy bear is probably a few hundred more than I could ever have expected, so I’m grateful to those who have not only given up their valuable time to check it out, but also written to me to give their thoughts on it, it is very much appreciated. 

Like any form of social media, there’s a strange comfort in knowing that what you are sending out into the ether is actually being seen and acknowledged.

To celebrate the completion satisfaction, I had a walk to Booths to pick up a nice pie and cheesecake for tea, only remembering on my return that I needed a blip, so here is a last-minute snap of Kendal Parish Church.

Now looking forward to a weekend with my offspring and simply playing.

Stay healthy! 

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