Friday Treat
After a busy (but productive) workweek in the office the Friday working from home was relaxed in comparison. At least not every 15 minutes someone in the door...
I only noticed two doves working on the old nest above my balcony; I'm sorry for them but had to choo them away. If I want to use my balcony, I can't tolerate their nest right above it. Blackbirds and other little birds have never been a problem, but the dove droppings are a huge mess.
I started a new knitting project (despite the unfinished old projects) and went shopping in the late afternoon where I got myself this bunch of mix coloured roses (tulips were out). I like this orange-yellow one most.
A spring-like weekend ahead, if the weatherman is right (and it looks very much like he is).
18:55; 10°C
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